Make the Most of Back-to-School Season

Make the Most of Back-to-School Season

“Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” Joe Fox had it right. There’s something exciting about back-to-school season, full of anticipation...
Trendspotting: The Importance of Identity Resolution

Trendspotting: The Importance of Identity Resolution

With the ever-increasing number of devices per consumer, marketers are challenged to track a dizzying amount of online activity to the same person. Consider the average consumer that is researching vacation options: the journey might begin on their mobile device...
How Automotive Marketers Can Fuel Online Car Shopping

How Automotive Marketers Can Fuel Online Car Shopping

With 92% of car buyers researching online before buying a car, it’s no wonder that the automotive industry is looking to transform their online sales. From fashion and beauty to home and tech, all the way down to groceries, more and more consumer goods can be...
A Better Customer Experience Starts with Your Website

A Better Customer Experience Starts with Your Website

Although the modern customer journey spans multiple channels, a brand’s website is arguably the most important. After all, websites are often the first touchpoint: customers will start there to learn about the brand, consider their product or service, perhaps browse...
Maximize Your Omnichannel Marketing with Customer Intelligence

Maximize Your Omnichannel Marketing with Customer Intelligence

The continued emergence of new technology, devices, and channels has created a huge challenge for marketers. With more touchpoints than ever, the customer journey isn’t the linear path to purchase it might once have been. Marketers now have to understand customer...